Saturday 22 March 2014

Some assembly required ...

I decided to take a break from making triangles (current tally is 542 completed) and start piecing things together. Sewing them into two-color strips goes pretty quickly, but the rest is a bit more challenging. They are a bit too rounded at the corners to join nicely like I wanted.  After consulting my good friend Google, I tried steam-blocking them.  It worked okay, but the purple ones seem to be consistently smaller than the others, plus it would have taken forever, so I abandoned that idea.  This necessitated something to fill in the gaps.  After a couple of attempts, I came up with a pattern to make little black rings that fit nicely.  I think I've found a winner.  They're tedious little things though.  Ugh.  I seem to always forget what an onerous task it is sewing squares together and weaving in a million ends.  Maybe this time I'll learn my lesson.

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