Wednesday 29 January 2014


I'm not a good knitter.  But that is something I would like to change.  And as I learned in 4-H in my younger days, you learn to do by doing.  

I found a pattern in Lens Mills (sidenote: this is a fabulous store) a few weeks ago for a cool scarf-like thing and picked up some yarn to make it.  My sister claimed the finished project before I'd even started it.  

A number of years back, I found a book on knitting in mom's archive of crafty books/magazines, and thought it would be fun to learn.  I learned a basic knit stitch, and had a scarf-to-be that I would work on from time to time to practice.  That has never been finished.  I also learned how to make the frilly scarves with the special yarn while killing some time at the curling pre-trials in November.  These are super easy, and my sister claimed that one too.  

This pattern however has an added twist.  Haha, twist.  I've never used a cable needle before.  I came to know what one was when another lady in a craft store saw me browsing the wall of hooks/needles and asked if I saw one.  At the time I had no idea what it was.  But before I'd found the hook that I wanted I'd found the cable needle for her.  

I am going to the good ol' U. S. of A on the weekend to pick up yarn for my massive blanket project, so in the meantime I started this little doozy.  I lost track of how many times I had to redo the first 6-8 rows.  But now I seem to be on a roll!

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